DFIR HSTS For Forensics: You Can Run, But You Can't Use HTTP HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a great tool for website administrators to ensure their site is only accessed over encrypted channels. But does it have any digital forensics applications?
Careers Cybering for Fun and Profit: Lessons from a Year of Cyber Security Job Hunting I've spent around the last year hunting for entry level jobs in Cyber Security, and after recently finding success, I'd like to share some of what I've learnt, what I wish people had told me, and some tips to help you succeed where I struggled.
Phishing CALM DOWN: Discord hasn't been hacked With 130 million registered users, phishing campaigns targeting Discord are inevitable, but why are people suddenly talking about them, and what do they mean for me?
CSC Cyber Security Challenge 2019 Santander F2F Almost a year from when it started, my Cyber Security Challenge UK journey must sadly come to an end. Recently, Santander hosted the final (at least for now) face-to-face competition, and I'd like to share my experience at the event to help others to prepare for similar competitions.
CSC Cyber Security Challenge 2018 Masterclass I recently had the honour of participating in the 2018 Cyber Security Challenge UK Masterclass sponsored by Barclays. It was an absolutely insane experience, which I would encourage anyone interested in Cyber Security to get involved with.